Learn How Seattle Chiropractic Office Provides Preventative Wellness Care For Local Residents

By Cristopel Obedencia

Individuals concerned with good health are favoring the concept of chiropractic wellness care. It is a valuable addition to the health care regimen. Dental check-ups and cleaning are preventative care for the teeth and gums. Vaccinations are the accepted way to prevent diseases. The spinal nerves activate all parts of the body. Their importance cannot be stressed enough. Everyone should visit Seattle Chiropractic for regular preventative care.

Your spine is composed of thirty three vertebrae. Some are fused at the base of the spine. Most are flexible and separated by little cushions called intervertebral discs. Inside, the bones are hollow and the spinal cord, with all the nerve roots, passes through and is protected by them.

When a chiropractor is evaluating pain in any part of the body, it can be attributed to a misalignment of the vertebrae. Each correlates with a specific body part. One example is the fact that the cervical vertebrae are the cause of headache and neck pain. Low back pain is caused by nerves in the lumbar area.

A healthy spine exists when all vertebrae are aligned. This indicates that there will be no nerve pain. That type of pain comes when a vertebra is out of place and exerts pressure against one of them.

Subluxated, or misaligned vertebrae, are corrected using manual adjustments. Pressure is applied to the back in specific places as the client lies on a table. A series of adjustments coax the vertebrae into the correct position. The procedure is comparable to the way braces coax the teeth into the right position in the mouth.

Having the spine checked regularly is an important preventative measure. That way a subluxation can be adjusted before it causes serious complications. One example is the herniated disc that results from pressure. Such a complication may be prevented through wellness care with the chiropractor. It only requires one office visit to evaluate spinal health.

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