Learn How Chiropractic Helps Relieve Pinched Nerves In San Antonio Using Manual Adjustments

By James John

A pinched nerve will definitely cause a disruption in the sufferer's life. The resulting pain is not always limited to the position on the spine where it occurs. Often it will radiate down an arm or a leg. If it is in the neck, the hurt can extend down an arm. When it is in the lower back, it can be transmitted down the leg, sometimes reaching the foot. Talking with a San Antonio Chiropractor will confirm that this severe hurting can be alleviated using spinal adjustments.

The pain is not lightened immediately with one adjustment. It requires a series of them applied during scheduled appointments. By returning the vertebrae to the correct position the pressure against nerves is relieved. Since the pressure causes the hurts, this will alleviate your pain.

A pinched nerve may be caused by a bulging disc. The technical term is herniated disc. Between the vertebrae there are small, spongy discs that cushion the bones from rubbing against each other. In a herniation the pressure causes a portion of the disc to bulge out between the vertebrae causing a condition which is every bit as painful as it sounds.

Chiropractic is the preferred care method among people who do not want to risk addiction to pain pills. Prescription drugs can be addictive. Over the counter pills may also pose a danger. This care is also favored for being non-invasive.

An evaluation is always done prior to a care plan being recommended. The spine is examined and neurological and orthopedic factors are taken into consideration. An x-ray may be taken to locate the position of the subluxation. If chiropractic care is not advisable, the client is recommended to another health care professional.

When the results of the evaluation indicate chiropractic adjustments are the best option, a series of office visits will be scheduled to administer them. Each individual responds at his or her own speed. One person with a herniated disc may require more adjustments than another. The clients age and general health will factor in.

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