It Is Time To Discover How To Look And Feel Your Best With Bioidentical HRT

By Ma Lillibeth Coper Incipido

Hormone replacement therapy is often thought of as a female issue. Most adult consumers do not appreciate the meaning of synthetic hormones versus bioidentical hormones. Now is the time for consumers to become educated about bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, BHRT, and how it can benefit men as well as women. Philadelphia customized wellness programs educate their patients and improve the state of their health.

From the time menstruation begins and all through their child bearing years, women must cope with ever fluctuating hormones. With pregnancy comes further disruption of hormonal balance. Following their years of fertility, there is the onset of perimenopause and menopause. These biological facts explain why women have a keener interest in bioidentical HRT.

It is now generally accepted that men also experience the symptoms of menopause, often beginning in their 40s. Years ago this might have been called a mid life crisis. Now it is called andropause, male menopause. Around this time some men experience a loss of libido, erectile dysfunction, mood swings and weight gain in the midsection.

Hormonal imbalance affects a lot more than moods. Women and men are likely to have some loss in their bone density. Some will develop osteoporosis. Overall health can be adversely affected with weakened muscles and high blood pressure.

Men and women can benefit from BHRT. Maintaining a healthy heart is reason enough to take BHRT. But this in only one of the many benefits. Patients maintain overall strength with more muscle mass, have fewer mood swings and have a decrease in blood pressure. Since BHRT slows the aging process, patients look and feel good from the inside out.

To say that bioidentical hormones are natural is a misstatement. Both the so called synthetic hormones and bioidentical hormones are synthetic. Bioidentical hormones are superior due to their molecular structure. They metabolize in the body just like the truly natural hormones produced by the human body. BHRT is very effective for wellness and a better quality of life as people age.

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