Learn How A Kent WA Chiropractor Helps Alleviate Whiplash Pain Using One Or More Care Techniques

By Griselda Zerna Albao

Everyone has a unique experience when an automobile accident occurs. An older individual might require different care than a twenty-year old. Of course, some injuries are more severe than others. Turning to Kent Chiropractic for care will involve evaluating your condition.

It may consist of spinal adjustments, muscle relaxation and a routine of mild exercises to use in the months following the accident. Most whiplash injuries in adults are caused by accidents such as colliding with another player on the football field or being in a car crash. Rear end collisions are noted for this type of injury.

When joints are out of place, spinal adjustments are successful in coaxing them gradually back into the right position. But, they can be applied only after a full evaluation of the accident victims condition is completed. The spine is examined and possibly an x-ray is taken. The range of motion your head is capable of is measured.

Mobility is limited after the whiplash accident. There is one surprising fact about this injury. It may not become apparent for hours or sometimes days. If a cervical collar is used to keep the head stationary, it should not be worn for an extended period of time. The same is true of bed rest because such a lack of activity is not going to help you regain flexibility.

A series of office visits will be used to apply manual adjustments. Two possible techniques are short thrusting motions and a slow pressure applied to the neck and upper back. The goal is to relax the joints enough to return them to their previous position.

Muscular dysfunction related to whiplash may, as an alternative, be stimulated by the use of gentle finger pressure techniques. Gentle stretches may also be effective. It is not beneficial to remain inactive as exercise will assist in your rehabilitation. If you cannot do anything strenuous, a walk every day is preferable than no exercise at all.

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