Obtaining Massage In Traverse City MI In Order To Keep Heart Disease At Bay

By Timothy Long

Across the globe, health experts say that the number one cause of death is none other than heart disease. The good news is that it's something that can be dodged effectively. In order to safeguard the entire cardiovascular system, one should avoid having a really stressful life. Such can be attained by regularly obtaining calming massage in Traverse City MI.

There are many risk factors for heart disease, health authorities say. A risk factor is anything that can significantly increase a person's chance of developing a particular medical condition. The more risk factors are around, the higher the odds of being diagnosed with an illness or disease.

One of the known risk factors for cardiovascular disease is leading a stressful life, and it can be countered with the help of regular professional massages. Having lots of stress hormones coursing through your bloodstream can dramatically increase your blood pressure. Health experts confirm that it is perfectly okay to have elevated blood pressure in some situations, such as when you are feeling anxious or working out. Unfortunately, something is definitely wrong if your blood pressure reading is increased even when you're doing nothing mentally and physically exhausting.

A blood pressure reading that is always higher than what's regarded as normal is a medical condition known as hypertension. Refrain from taking this very lightly because sooner or later it can actually harm your arteries, the ones that supply your organs with oxygenated blood. If your arteries are in a terrible shape, they can no longer function very well.

Being perpetually stressed is also something that can elevate the levels of bad cholesterol in the bloodstream. The problem can be worsened most especially because of stress eating. Someone who eats in order to attain comfort or happiness usually goes for unhealthy foods, including those that are loaded with bad cholesterol. Needless to say, it's something that can considerably raise the amount of bad cholesterol in the body.

Having elevated bad cholesterol is a cause for concern as it can lead to aggregation of plaque along the inner arterial walls. Clearly, it's something that can eventually leave the arteries narrowed. Arterial narrowing can keep the body's various organs from obtaining enough-oxygen containing blood.

You will suffer from a stroke if your brain fails to get oxygenated blood. On the other hand, you will suffer from a heart attack if your heart muscles fail to obtain oxygenated blood. Having a stroke or heart attack can definitely cost you your life. This is most especially true if medical assistance is delayed.

Being massaged by a professional regularly, sadly, is not really enough to keep heart disease at bay. There is no denying that it can help a lot, but other necessary steps have to be taken, too. Exercising on a regular basis and opting for healthy kinds of food are also important. Someone who is a cigarette smoker should turn his or her back on the nasty habit without delay. Experts say that alcoholic drinks should be consumed in moderation only.

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