Postpartum Ayurvedic Medicine Professionals Recommend These Tips For Dealing With Depression

By Charles Roberts

According to experts, about 80 percent of women who just gave birth experience postpartum depression or PPD for short. It usually lasts for just a couple of weeks, although moderate to severe cases of it may stay around for several months. Mental health professionals confirm that PPD can be blamed on hormonal imbalance which tends to normalize after some time. Read on to come across some highly suggested tips by postpartum ayurvedic medicine professionals on dealing with PPD.

Get enough sun. The sun is an excellent source of vitamin D, which is a nutrient that's capable of lifting the mood. For 20 to 30 minutes up to 3 times a week, it's a good idea for a woman who is experiencing PPD to stay outside and bask in the sun. However, she should avoid the sun between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon in order to fend off premature aging signs of the skin as well as lower her risk of skin cancer.

Exercise on a regular basis. A few reasons exist why exercising is great for a woman who just gave birth. First, it enables her to lose that baby weight. Second, it increases the levels of happy hormones in the brain. Lastly, mild to moderate exercise helps deal with stress that all new mothers tend to experience.

Take herbal teas. Depression can be resolved with the help of some teas, according to experts. Lemon balm, chamomile and jasmine teas are some excellent examples. However, it's recommended for you to first ask your doctor if it's safe for you to take an herbal tea especially if you are breastfeeding your baby.

Give some essential oils a try. It's possible for your mood to be affected by certain types of smells, scientists agree. This is why you may try dealing with your PPD using some essential oils. Orange, jasmine, basil, sandalwood, grapefruit, lavender and roman chamomile are some of those that many with depression swear by. You can utilize any of these oils by diluting and then using them as massage oils. You may also have them diffused or inhaled.

Consume oily fish. Omega 3 fatty acids are present abundantly in oily kinds of fish such as mackerel, salmon and tuna. Based on studies, omega 3 fatty acids have the ability to regulate the mood. If you cannot have oily fish on a regular basis, you may supplement your diet with fish oil capsules. Make sure that you first tell your doctor about your plan on taking fish oil capsules or any other supplement.

Avoid processed foods. PPD is due to hormonal imbalance, and it's something that can be aggravated by chemicals present in processed kinds of foods. This is why women who just gave birth should stay away from them and instead have more whole foods. Regularly eating fresh fruits and veggies can help in regulating the hormones faster.

Get plenty of sleep. A mother who is taking care of her baby usually has a hard time taking a trip to dreamland. Especially if she is suffering from PPD, it's very important for her to look for ways to get enough shut eye. Otherwise, it's not unlikely for her bout of depression to intensify or stay around longer than necessary.

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