For Medical Massage Babylon Is Worth Visiting

By Christine Wagner

Massage is a process that is conducted by professionally trained experts referred to as massage therapists. The process of massaging the body entails the use of touch to manipulate soft tissues such as muscles and tendons in the body. Although there are several medical benefits associated with this process, very little scientific research has been done to substantiate the claims. As such, this is one of the fields that still needs to be researched a lot for more to be learned about it. When in need of Medical Massage Babylon should be visited.

There is a long history behind this field as it dates back thousands of years. This discipline has its origin in the ancient world. This is based on available literature regarding the history and origin of this field. Rome, Greece, Egypt, China, Arabic Nations, Japan, and India are among the ancient nations this discipline came from. The definition given to this field by the Hippocrates is that it is the art of rubbing. It was during the renaissance that this practice spread a lot in Europe.

Official introduction of massage into the United States happened in the 1850s. Massage therapy was introduced into the US by two American physicians and soon after its introduction, it became very popular. It was promoted in large part because of its health benefits. However, when medical treatment became more advanced because of technological and scientific advancements, this therapy fell out of favor in the period between 1930 and 1940.

The two Americans who introduced this therapy in the United States had studied in Sweden where they learned about it. Knowing that the therapy would be liked in the US, they decided to transfer the knowledge to their home country. When interest in body massaging reduced between 1930 and 1940, popularity dropped significantly. However, it would later start to rise again in the 1970s as people used it for recreational purposes. Athletes embraced it a lot in particular.

Some 18 million American citizens apply this therapy per year according to findings from research. This indicates the high level of adoption. Adoption is among both children and adults. Other individuals use it as part of a medical routine for various medical conditions. Others use it for recreational reasons. Therapy is also applied a lot by athletes. This is because it assists in optimizing their physical state, which enhances their performance.

Therapists claim that massage can be utilized in treating a broad spectrum of medical problems. These problems include pain, stress, depression, anxiety and sports injuries. It can as well aid people to attain overall health and wellness. Wellness is one of the major reasons why people pursue this therapy.

In terms of helping with relieving stress and promoting relaxation, many usually fall asleep during massage therapy sessions. The manipulation of the body usually causes a feeling of deep relaxation that send people into slumber. Also, the feeling of relaxation can cause one to feel less pain. When muscles and body tissue are massaged, blood flow is promoted, which in turn promotes healing of sports injuries.

Finally, numerous establishments offering this service and several others exist. Among many others, spas, salons, hotels, saunas, and gyms are part of the establishments. Different forms of massage are provided at different prices by many of these establishments. As part of performance improvement, workers are provided with massage services in work places.

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