Home Remedies For Constipation Suggested By A Naturopathic Doctor Caledonia Offers

By Sandra Perry

One really common health concern is constipation. According to doctors, in the US about 20 percent of the population complain about it per year. Constipation has a bunch of other symptoms aside from bowel movements that take place less than thrice a week. Excessive gas, abdominal cramping and discomfort while defecating are some examples of those. If you are constipated, worry not as there are lots of solutions for it. Below are a few of the best, according to a naturopathic doctor Caledonia has.

Increase daily intake of water. Generally speaking, up to 2 liters of water should be consumed every day. The body can survive without food for more than 3 weeks, but it cannot thrive without water for 3 days. A person's digestive system relies on water for a more efficient removal of toxins and waste products in the intestines.

Add fiber containing foods to your everyday diet. Your digestive tract also counts on fiber for sweeping out anything in the gut that's not supposed to linger in there for a long time. The good news is you can choose from so many fiber rich foods. Some wonderful examples are vegetables and fruits. You can also obtain tons of fiber from anything that contains whole grains.

Brew a cup of coffee. It's a fact that the chemical caffeine present in coffee is a stimulant. Aside from the nervous system, your digestive tract also responds to the stimulating properties of caffeine. It's due to this why constipation is a problem that can be resolved by a cup of coffee. Minutes after having the beverage, you may have the urge to use the toilet.

Take herbal teas with laxative properties. If you're not a fan of coffee, worry not because you may simply go for herbal teas known to work as mild laxatives. Some wonderful examples are ginger, chamomile, dandelion root, licorice and peppermint. These constipation fighting teas are being sold by many of today's herbal stores and health food shops.

Give senna a try. One very popular treatment for constipation is senna. Obtained from the leaves of the senna plant, it promotes bowel movement by irritating the inner lining of the large intestine. However, regular intake of senna is not recommended. That's because it can be habit forming, which means that a person may have a hard time moving the bowels without taking senna.

Move more. According to health authorities, being physically active is an excellent solution for constipation. Engaging in all sorts of physical activities helps ensure that your entire digestive tract is working optimally. Aside from constipation, there are many other issues that moving more can help fend off, and some of them are heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and obesity.

Improve gut health. According to studies, people who suffer from long term constipation have more bad bacteria in their gut than good ones. This is the reason why it is suggested to regularly consume foods that are rich in probiotics, which are beneficial types of bacteria. Some wonderful examples of foods loaded with probiotics include yogurt and fermented ones such as kimchi, pickles and miso.

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