Discover The Ways A Laguna Hills, CA Chiropractor Can Help Migraine Sufferers

By Kenya Saab

A migraine is a particularly severe headache that can cause excruciating pain for between four and 72 hours. Many people who suffer with migraines are in so much pain they are unable to go about their regular daily activities. Laguna Hills chiropractic care can offer solutions for reducing the frequency and severity of migraine attacks.

Despite extensive studies, researches remain unsure as to what actually causes migraines. Although there seems to be a hereditary link, it is unclear why some family members suffer with migraines while others do not. Specific triggers, such as strong odors, certain foods or beverages, poor sleep habits, not eating, or stress may cause the onset of a migraine. Triggers vary from person to person.

The majority of migraines involve a constant, pulsating pain either over the entire head or on one side. Sometimes the pain will move from one side to the other. Other symptoms may include pain in the head directly behind the eyes, vomiting, or nausea. An aura is a more rare symptom that causes flashing lights, wavy lines and spots before the eyes accompanied by numbness of the arms, face, or hands.

Chiropractors have the skills necessary to manipulate the spine in a way that improves joint movement and promotes muscle relaxation. They use special instruments or just their hands to make specific adjustments. They may utilize electrical stimulation, heat, or ultrasound to relax the muscles before applying controlled force.

When dealing with migraine sufferers, the chiropractor targets two specific areas. One is the junction between the thoracic and cervical spines. The other is the two uppermost vertebrae of the cervical spine.

Individuals receiving these manipulations experience better joint motion and improved posture. This, in turn, can eliminate tension in the neck, upper back, and shoulders. By eliminating triggers, chiropractic care can lead to less frequent and less severe migraines.

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