San Antonio Neck Pain Alleviated Naturally With Chiropractic

By James John

Neck pain is a prevalent condition, and some people may seek their first visit to a chiropractor as a result. A specific event, such as a car accident or other type of sudden impact, may have caused the condition. Disease, bad posture or something as seemingly simple as sleeping in a bad position can leave you with a painful neck. Contact a San Antonio chiropractor for relief from pain.

Immediately following an automobile accident, many people do not yet realize they have suffered a whiplash injury. They wake up the next day and are struck with stiffness and pain in the neck and sometimes the shoulders also. Chiropractic spinal adjustments can effectively eliminate the pain. Getting the spine back into alignment relieves pressure on the affected area.

Depending on the individual patient, chiropractors may use additional modalities. There are various types of massage therapy that are effective. More and more chiropractors are using laser therapy which is applied to the affected area. Patients often report pain relief immediately following a session of laser therapy.

Your doctor will first take the time to examine you and talk to you about your lifestyle. Chiropractors view the body holistically and understand that what affects one part of the body can impact other parts of the body. Lifestyle, genetics, chronic disease, diet and posture can exacerbate or cause a painful condition. Your care will be designed with all these potential factors in mind.

Ergonomics and poor posture can create chronic neck pain. People who sit in front of a computer for hours at a time may not realize that adjusting the chair, the monitor and the keyboard in an ergonomically correct way can eliminate the cause of the pain. Even if a whiplash injury is what brings a patient into the office initially, taking corrective action in habits and lifestyle will help prevent reoccurring injury.

Chiropractic relief is available for the asking. Enduring pain is not really helpful, in fact it can make the situation worse. If you are one of millions of people who suffer from neck pain, the sooner you contact a chiropractor, the sooner you will find relief.

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