How An Ellenville NY Chiropractic Office Helps Relieve Whiplash Depends On More Than One Factor

By Clinton Arnhold

When one car crashes into another, even at a relatively slow speed, a whiplash injury can occur. This is especially true of rear end collisions. The victims head is jerked forward and back much like an infant is hurt by being shaken. As a result, the neck might stiffen up and the head be immobilized. A prominent Ellenville NY Chiropractor is available to alleviate the pain of this or other injuries.

Surprisingly, the effects of whiplash may not be apparent until days later. It can take weeks in some cases. The individual might be unable to turn the head from side to side. Any movement attempt may result in severe pain.

The injured party may wear a cervical collar to stabilize the head. However, it should not be worn for more than a few days. Extended bed rest is not advisable either. Making an appointment to see the chiropractor should lead to relieving the pain and regaining flexibility.

The spinal column is a series of small hollow bones that are stacked from the lumbar spine to the axis, which supports the weight of the head. The sensitive spinal cord runs through them. The seven cervical vertebrae are those located in the neck.

When someone's head is jerked as the car collides with something, those vertebrae may be jolted out of place. This is called a subluxation. One of the misplaced vertebrae can press against one of the spinal nerves. The pain this causes can range from serious to unbearable.

The first time you meet with the chiropractor you will be thoroughly examined and evaluated. There may be reflex and range of motion tests. A physical exam of the spine is performed and x-rays are taken. All results will be recorded in a medical history.

When testing is complete the chiropractor can recommend what care will help you. It may be gentle massage or applications of hot and cold compresses. If appropriate under your circumstances, spinal adjustments may be used.

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