Benefits Colloidal Silver A Person Would Get

By Della Monroe

It is a natural thing for parents to be concerned about the health of their babies. Each parent wants what is best for his or her baby. Moreover, they would want to see them with soft, smooth skin free from acne. Children do develop acne on their skin it makes them have rough skin. This article will focus on benefits colloidal silver in treating baby skin ailments.

Baby acne stems from hormones of the mother that are passed to the baby during pregnancy. However, it takes between three to four weeks after birth to appear. The hormones trigger production of oils that causes the skin inflammation. At times, the medication of the baby also enhances the development of the acne.

When the affected area is exposed to milk or saliva, the condition is worsened. When the baby cries, there is an increased blood flow to the skin causing irritation on the skin of the baby. There are certain remedies like washing the affected region using mild soap and water. This is a traditional method of treatment that some practitioners do not recommend.

Bear in mind that acne comes as a result of clogged pores that is caused by the accumulation of excessive oil and dead cells. Using harsh soaps to scrub the face of your baby is not recommended. It can aggravate the situation. Instead, use warm water because it is useful to some extent. You can find some over the counter medication to treat the baby acne. But it is advisable to get the advice of your doctor before using them since if you use the wrong the medication, your baby may develop certain skin disorders.

A silver suspension is considered a safe way of treating baby acne. It has silver particles that are good for disinfecting. Using these particles to cleanse the acne kills the bacteria that are causing the acne to grow.

Most parents will often question how safe this product is. Well, as earlier stated, it is one of the most reliable methods. In fact, it only kills the bacteria in the affected region. It does not harm other body parts or systems. Studies show that silver ions also treat many other skin infections. Silver ions are beneficial because it is a strong antibiotic.

These particles are applied directly on the acne. When the microorganisms living in the acne comes into contact with the silver particles, the bacteria are killed. It does so by attacking the enzyme that is responsible for the development and growth of the bacteria.

This simple treatment cures your baby of acne, and he or she can have that soft skin they always had. However, parents should be careful with the amount of particles they use since the baby is still very young at four weeks. His or her organs are still developing, and you need to be cautious to put the recommended dose. To ensure your baby stays healthy take care of yourself during the pregnancy. Always consult your medical doctor before taking any medication.

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