Learn How A Cumming GA Chiropractor Helps Alleviate Auto Accident Injury Pain

By Lakisha Curtsinger

A person hurt in an automobile accident may have a broken leg or arm. Those would be immediately obvious. The whiplash injury, on the other hand, may not hurt until many hours later. It is a neck injury caused by the jerking motion of a collision. Fortunately, a leading Cumming GA Chiropractor is available to help with pain alleviation.

The vertebral bones of the neck and back are hollow. The delicate spinal cord runs through them and is protected by them. As a chiropractor can attest, there are nerve roots and nerves that serve to activate all movement in the body located adjacent to the spine.

These are especially vulnerable in an accident that results in whiplash. The rear end collision can cause this injury even if the car is traveling at a relatively slow speed. Ignoring pain is only going to lead to it growing worse without care. No one needs to suffer when chiropractic care is available.

When you make an appointment with the chiropractor, it is for the purpose of determining what is causing the pain. It may have the symptoms of whiplash, but be due to something else. An examination, a series of questions and an x-ray will help to evaluate your condition.

After a determination is made, a care plan will be tailored to reduce the pain. In most cases, gentle manual adjustments will coax any misplaced vertebrae back into their correct position. If muscles are sore, massage may be added to the care you receive.

A series of office appointments will be scheduled for your adjustments whether your injury is to the neck, the shoulder or the lower back. Each client receives care that is tailored specifically for him or her. This may include a list of mild exercises to help you regain flexibility as the adjustments begin to alleviate the severe pain.

The chiropractor can offer excellent advice. You can be advised not to participate in any activity that will delay recovery. You can also learn ways to advance your rehabilitation. As the hurt is lessened you can look forward to resuming the activities of your life as it was prior to being injured.

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