Channeling Spirit Guides For Insight And Wisdom

By Edna Booker

According to the mediums, we are actually spiritual beings with the human experience and not the other way round. As such, we are in a position to connect to the spiritual energies that is surrounding us all the time. Upon interpretation, what the mediums are saying is that we are able to get the guidance in plenty. The guidance from the spirits is what we require is we are to achieve the extra special talents. Through the process of channeling spirit guides, we connect to our guardian spirits and angels.

Through this process, we get out of our physical beings as our body is taken over by the spirits so as to facilitate the communication with the spiritual world. This is a phenomenon that has been practiced for millennia. It involves channeling very powerful methods that are used to facilitate the spiritual unfoldment of the process of conscious transformation. Through this process, you get to build a bridge to the higher realms of caring and loving. For this to succeed, it requires the shift of the conscious mental space so as to get the expanded state of the mind.

During the process, powerful methods are channeled to help in spiritual unfoldment and in the conscious transformation, thereby building a bridge to the higher realm such as loving and care among others. The conscious mental space has to be shifted to an expanded state of semi-conscious state of mind for the communication to take place.

In order to contact your spirit guides and angels, there are some tips that can prove helpful. However, it is important to know that you should only be receptive and open and avoid straining yourself to communicate with them. You should be relaxed and trust, as the energy can only flow through the one who is in a receptive state of being.

However, in order to achieve this, you have to be prepared in all aspects; physically, emotionally, spiritually, and even mentally. In addition to this, you have to get all the steps involved right. All in all, the steps are there to help you have a mind that is receptive and open to the spiritual world. The spirits and energy only flow through you when you are in the state of a receptive being. This means being relaxed and trusting.

The first and most important step is to prepare your environment and the seating position. Basically, you don't want any form of distraction. As such, you should consider dimming the lights, closing curtains and maybe use candles. The clothes that you wear should be comfortable and the shoes should be removed. You can have an important picture or sacred object close to you as you meditate. Don't forget to have a glass of water close.

The other important tips include proceeding slowly with a pause between each of the steps, relaxing and releasing the accumulated tension and stress which can be done by standing. You should ask for protection with the highest love and light from the Higher Power and chant. Once ready, you can now invite your spirit guides and angels, and give them permission to be with you.

In the process, avoid rushing things up, instead, take breaks between sessions, relax and release the energies accumulated up to that moment. You have to officially invite the spirits, and ask them to be with you through this. You can ask them to give you unspecific signs of their presence and then ask for their message. Once finished with asking everything you want, don't forget to thank them, and then allow a gradual transformation to your physical state of being.

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