Many Are Coming To Rely On Energy Medicine

By Meeri Banks

There are many ways to assist your healing, besides drugs. One field of complementary or alternative medicine is a school described as energy medicine. This discipline of therapy is based on a belief that the patient can be cared for by a healer who can channel energies. Analysts endeavour to determine imbalances (bioelectrical, chemical, or structural) within the individual and to use healing energies to put right these imbalances.

The terms energy healing, therapy and spiritual healing became more popular following the formation of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies during the 1980s. Distant healing, hands-on and hands-off healing are 3 distinct methods within the spectrum of healthcare. Distant healing takes place with the therapist and the patient in separate localities; it is alternatively called absent healing.

Biofield healing, contact healing, therapeutic touch and Reiki are all types of therapies. America's NCCAM (National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine) has labelled health-care methods that involve scientifically recordable energies as "Veritable Medication'. These techniques include light therapy, colorpuncture and magnet therapy.

The nursing profession has recognised the results of therapeutic touch. Diagnosis of a patient's "field disturbance" was approved by the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association in 2005/6. In Canada, Therapeutic Touch is a registered trademark used by therapists in a structured and standardized technique who manipulate a patient's field of power.

Some examples of electrical energies used in healing include TENS machines that relieve chronic aches and pains, faster wound healing through electrical currents and the treatment of neurological problems through a deep brain stimulator. The American Physical Therapy Association has recognized electrotherapy as an effectual method of managing pain.

Joint mobility, tissue repair and incontinence can all be improved by electrotherapy. TENS machines use electrical impulses to affect how pain signals are transmitted to the brain; they can be a side-effect free alternative to pharmaceuticals for many forms of pain relief. Psychotherapists use bioenergetics to analyse and treat anxiety, depression and muscular tension.

Bioenergetics is an active form of "body work'. It seeks to achieve emotional and physical wellbeing by therapeutic measures that allow energies to flow through the mind and body. Neuroscience research substantiates the effects of body work in psychotherapy.

Energy medication views all bodily energies as being fundamental to vitality, emotional wellbeing and physical health. It works to improve health and happiness through these energies. A balanced and harmonious whole is re-established non-invasively by the massaging of a patient's accupoints.

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