A Few Principles Regarding Acupuncture Mapleridge BC Residents May Wish To Know

By James Meyer

The use of tiny needles to manage given medical conditions is referred to as acupuncture. It is a traditional method of dealing with stiffness of joints, knee pain and other disorders of joints, muscle and bone. Of note is that this method has no scientific research done to back it and proof of effectiveness is only based on experiences. These are some of the basics regarding acupuncture Mapleridge BC residents may be interested in if considering this treatment modality.

In a classic acupuncture session, the patient has to lie still on a comfortable couch and is then exposed adequately. A number of needles are inserted up to some appreciable depth under the skin. The needles can range from as few as five to as many as twenty. These have to remain in place for ten to fifteen minutes to give them time to work on the soft tissues. Application of needles can be combined with other forms of pressure and heat.

Before the therapist decides on what points to apply pressure on, certain steps have to be taken. These steps are almost similar to those undertaken in conventional medicine. In history taking, for instance, the specialist asks the client about any change in taste or hunger. In addition, female clients need to report any problems with menstruation including heavy flow, absence or pain. They may also be asked about altered bowel habits, impaired urination or difficulties in defecation.

For physical examination, the therapist begins by inspecting the size, shape, colour and any coating in the tongue. They also are keen to pick out any bizarre smells emanating from the body. The next thing to be done is auscultation in which case the acupuncturist listens for any abnormal sounds such as wheezes or stridor in the lung areas . Palpation is then done using the palm of the hand.

Needles are typically made of stainless steel to foster flexibility and to keep them from rusting. If the acupuncturist intends to reuse them, they need to be thoroughly sterilized before the next session. The size of the needle is directly proportional to the thickness of skin on which pressure is being applied. Being more sensitive than the rest of the body, facial skin calls for the use of shorter needles. Longer ones are used in areas with stronger tissues.

Needle length ranges from thirteen to one hundred and thirty millimetres. The average diameter is usually less than a millimetre. For obvious reasons, thinner needles are used in lean patients. Care needs to be taken when using sharp ended needles to avoid breakage. On the other hand, blunt ones cause much more pain to the client. Special tubes are usually used to direct the very thin needles.

Acupressure, fire needling and electric acupuncture are some of the modifications of this technique in current use. Acupressure replaces needles with hands to manipulate pressure points. Needless can be exposed to fire and the resultant heat applied on the skin surface. This is called fire needle therapy.

It should be noted acupuncture is indicated in a number of conditions including diseases affecting the skeleton, muscles and joints. It plays a key role as an alternative form of pain relief. Although science is yet to establish the exact mechanism behind it and how effective it is, its popularity has been rising by the day.

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