A Look Into Acupuncture NYC

By William Clark

Over the years, a technique that has been borrowed from Chinese traditional medication has been used to treat a number of conditions. Such conditions include musculoskeletal problems such as shoulder stiffness and lower back pain. It is also believed to be an effective method of pain relief. This technique involves the insertion of very thin needles through the skin. Although there have been various research findings that suggest the effectiveness of the method of treatment as valid, the theories it is based on is more pseudoscientific rather than scientific. For any types of pain, acupuncture NYC would be a great recommended.

Traditionally, the mode of treatment is believed to reestablish the balance of energy flows within the body. The energy flow, known as qi in a traditionalist belief is suggested to follow through certain pathways within the body and with the insertion of needles along strategic positions considered as the pathways, a new qi balance is achieved. Nonetheless, modern practitioners suggest that needles instead act as stimulants to the nerve, connective tissue, and muscle functionality. It is this stimulation that causes pain relief.

The needles used for these procedures are very small and are inserted just under the skin or closer to the muscle tissue. There is a tingling feeling during the initial insertion. The number of needles ranges from five to twenty but may vary depending on other factors. The duration of the session may also vary from about ten to thirty minutes. The acupuncturist may move the needle up or down, rotate it or mildly stimulate it with electricity.

Minimal side effects are now attributable to this procedure. Nonetheless, such side effects ought not to raise an alarm since they are but minor and temporary. When done by qualified practitioners, a patient will not just feel dull pains upon insertion, but will also feel dizzy and experience minimal bleeding especially at the points of needle insertion. It is suggested that people suffering from hemophilia and metal allergies do not take the treatment. However, it is largely considered to be safe.

There are many reasons why this procedure is good for you. It assists in the treatment of both mild and severe conditions. Such conditions may be inclusive of chronic neck pain, lower back pain, and stiff shoulders. It may also be used for psychological issues such as depression and anxiety.

Aside from treating internal health problems, acupuncture is also used in cosmetics to get rid of wrinkles and other unhealthy lines along the skin. It helps to rejuvenate the skin thus enhancing our appearance. The skin is also brightened by this treatment and it gives the patient a more youthful and attractive appearance. It is becoming a preferred form of cosmetic enhancement.

Nonetheless, you need to visit licensed acupuncturist who possess some training and years of experience. This is for the reason that the procedure may be unsafe when done by inexperienced practitioners who can easily forget to have the needles sterilized and inserted deep into your body thus causing damages to the vital internal organs.

Despite the risks, this procedure is considered to be effective and has been in practice for thousands of years. There are various clinical studies that have shown the tremendous advantages of these procedures in relation to success in treating many conditions.

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