Homeopathic Cold Remedies That You May Depend Upon

By Daniel Howard

Everyone gets a 'common cold' now and then and reaches for something to make them feel better. After all, it's hard to look professional at work if your nose is red and running, your eyes are watering, and you have a cough. Moms can't stay in bed when they have small children to look after. Instead of using an over-the-counter drug for relief, thereby adding a chemical to an already stressed body, you can try one of the many homeopathic cold remedies.

Homeopathy is a recognized branch of medicine that has been used for over a century. It is based on the theory that a substance that causes a particular physical, mental, or emotional reaction when taken in large amounts will alleviate that reaction when taken in homeopathic form. This theory of 'like curing like' has been tested and found effective by many medical professionals and millions of consumers.

The basic tenets are easy to understand. Think of how your eyes water and your nose runs when you chop an onion. Onion is used to make the remedy Allium cepa, which is taken to relieve the symptoms of runny eyes and nose when you get a cold. It is usual to take the remedy in pellets of milk sugar; several of the tiny tablets are dissolved under the tongue to help the medicine enter the bloodstream quickly and efficiently.

Ferr phos is a homeopathic 'tissue salt'. There are twelve of these basic compounds, each based on one or more of the minerals - or salts - found in human tissue. Ferr phos will control a fever without suppressing it entirely. Fevers are part of the body's natural defense against infection and have an important function. It is only when they get too high that they are dangerous.

Belladonna is an interesting remedy. In macro - or large - amounts, the roots of this plant, deadly nightshade, can kill you. However, the homeopathic form, developed to combat scarlet fever, safely controls fevers and upper respiratory inflammation. It is a common remedy for some of the discomforts of colds and flu.

Coughs are one of the most annoying things about getting a virus, and they may linger on long after other symptoms have disappeared. Several of the tissue salts can help, as can remedies made from everything from a minute amount of the pertussis organism to the immune building herbs. Aconite and Bryonia are specific cough remedies, depending on what kind of cough you are experiencing.

There are combinations of remedies sold for colds and flu. If you check the label, you may find Belladonna, Hepar sulphuris, Calcarea carbonica, Kali bic, and Pulsatilla. The formulation of homeopathic products is regulated by the FDA and standardized, so one form of a remedy will not differ from that made by another manufacturer. There are different potentcies, indicated by a number followed by a letter. For example, you can get Calcarea carbonica in 6X, 30X, 30C, and so on.

Since over-the-counter pharmaceuticals have documented side effects, many prefer to depend on homeopathy when they are sick. It's easy to do enough research online to understand the basics of this safe, alternative way to recovery.

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