A Look At How Acupuncture Can Help Alleviate Pain Naturally With Michigan Holistic Doctor

By Lonnie Hahne

For patients suffering from pain, the quest for relief can be both confusing and frustrating. Doctors still have few solutions to offer other than pills, and many of today's patients are simply too leery of the side effects and potential addiction issues to want to go that route. As a result, they find themselves searching for alternative methods of therapy. That often leads them to a Michigan holistic doctor who provides those non-conventional therapies.

One of those services is gaining in popularity, as millions discover just how effective it is in eliminating patient pain without dangerous drugs or surgery. This therapy is known as acupuncture, and has been practiced in the Far East for thousands of years. Today, it has become commonplace in many offices where alternative forms of pain management are provided.

Acupuncture is a well-known concept, though the reasons for its effectiveness are less familiar to most people. The therapy consists of the placement of thin needles under the skin at various pressure points. In the East, practitioners believe that these needles release and control a person's energy so that his natural balance can be righted. In the West, research indicates that what actually occurs is the release of endorphins that simply block the pain so that the brain cannot register it as such.

The important thing is that these techniques work, and can help to alleviate many common forms of pain. That includes severe pain like that of the lower back or arthritis, as well as less constant pain such as a headache or carpel tunnel difficulties.

It can even help with more temporary problems such as digestive ailments, insomnia, nausea, and cramps associated with the menstrual cycle.

The fact is that acupuncture is rapidly becoming one of the more popular alternative therapies used by patients with many different kinds of ailments. If your medical condition could use a different approach, it might be helpful to ask a doctor about whether acupuncture could work for you too.

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