For Pain Sufferers, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Helped By Chiropractor In Lancaster

By Rae Patricio

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome can be a major concern for millions of people who work in offices or who engage in repetitious activities on a regular basis. This condition, also referred to as CTS, causes pain in one or both wrists, and can limit movement and impair the use of the hands. The good news is that Lancaster chiropractic services can often provide patients suffering from this ailment with critical relief.

The modern work environment is far less strenuous than it used to be, but it also has more tasks that the average worker is required to repeat on a regular basis. This constant repetition places stress on the carpal tunnel, and can damage the nerves that tunnel is designed to protect. That leads to the pain and weakness seen in most of these patients.

For these patients, chiropractic care can offer valuable assistance. When addressed early enough, spinal manipulation, muscle massages, and direct manipulation of forearms and wrists can help to prevent the onset of this condition. Those patients also benefit from nutrition, posture, and exercise advice that can reduce stress in that vulnerable area.

For patients already suffering from the syndrome, the focus turns to stress reduction. Inflammation and stress must be reduced to promote healing. That is best accomplished through techniques that directly massage and manipulate the tissues affected so that normal blood flow can resume and nerves can decompress.

A few sessions are usually required to achieve really noticeable results, though many patients report positive results after only one or two therapies. As the healing process continues over several weeks and even months, patients often regain complete use of both hands, while seeing a sharp reduction of pain.

Many patients lose thousands due to missed work, doctor's bills, and other medical costs when their condition is not properly addressed. With the natural benefits offered by competent chiropractors, pain sufferers can avoid that fate and instead enjoy a renewed opportunity for the quality of life they deserve.

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