Essential Oil Benefits For Skin

By Alta Alexander

Consumers are turning to totally natural cosmetics and body care products. Learning to recognize chemicals they don't want to see on the labels of products they use, they look for safer alternatives. Inevitably, they learn more about essential oil benefits for skin - in fact, for total health and well-being.

The epidermis is the body's largest organ. It protects by keeping toxins out, a vital function in these days of air pollution, germs on every surface we touch, and an overload of chemicals in the environment. This outer layer seals in moisture, keeping us as hydrated as possible as we go about our daily routine. It also releases toxins through perspiration, and takes in oxygen that we need to live.

The epidermis stops many substances from being absorbed, but others get through. They can be both beneficial, like pure oils, or harmful, like chemicals in mainstream cosmetics and lotions. Some things, like products containing mineral oil, can interfere with the skin's natural functions, clogging pores and retarding perspiration or depleting important nutrients. Some dry the same skin they purport to moisturize.

Essential oils from plants have been known for centuries to clear the skin and the mind. For mass production, oils are cold pressed or steam-distilled. Chemical extraction is also used, but most purists don't approve this method of processing.

These pure essences are said to contain all of the beneficial and healing properties of the plant in greater concentration, making them stronger and more effective. Manufacturers select many of the oils to balance oily or dry skin, fight acne and psoriasis, soothe wrinkles, and calm reactions like redness or uneven tones.

Of course, a great benefit is the fragrance of the oil. Who doesn't like the scent of lavender or rose in a cream or lotion? The fact that both of these natural extracts soothe, disinfect, and tone is a bonus. For thousands of years, people have used herbals for physical and spiritual uplift, relaxation, and pleasure.

Stress reduction is one thing almost everyone needs today and one area in which fragrant oils excel. All women know how stress robs them of the inner glow that is the basis of beauty. Relaxing bath oils and scented pillows can help relieve tensions built up during a busy day. Using a sweet-smelling cream that also tones, smooths, and balances brings pleasure as well as pleasing results. The fact that these plant essences are pure and safe makes them even more enjoyable.

Of course, there is also a whole science of aromatherapy, which touts the emotional balancing, cleansing, relaxing, and energizing properties of many flower essences and herbal extracts. As the oils act on emotional centers of the brain, they also work their physical magic of clearing the complexion, smoothing wrinkles, tightening pores and facial muscles, and sealing in moisture. Try a routine of facial and body care that effects the improvements you want while evoking fond memories, promoting peace and happiness, and making your whole world a nicer place.

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