How Sciatica Sufferers Find Relief With Austin Chiropractic Office

By Carlene Eriksson

Sciatica sufferers can easily find themselves all but disabled by their condition. The daily aches and pains in their backs, legs, and feet can sometimes prevent them from engaging in many common physical activities. It's nice to know that they can obtain real relief for their pain from a qualified Austin chiropractor.

When the sciatic nerve becomes damaged or stressed, it stops functioning properly. There are many things that can cause this difficulty, ranging from an automobile accident to weight gain or a sedentary lifestyle. The effect commonly occurs as the result of cumulative stress over time.

Given their location in the patient's back and legs, it should come as no surprise that the pain spreads so far throughout the body. In addition to stabbing pains, patients also suffer tingling and burning feelings throughout the lower extremities. That intense discomfort requires prompt relief.

The chiropractic approach involves several options. The standard spinal manipulation remains the best way to align the spine and take pressure off muscles and joints. Because this process uses manual adjustments, it is much safer than surgeries or even most medications.

As part of their holistic approach, chiropractors often employ muscle massages and other techniques as well. These are designed to relieve tension in deep muscles tissue to decompress stressed nerves. Once the muscle knots are massaged out, patient pain is diminished.

Some patients receive cold laser therapy to address tissue inflammation. This is a low-intensity procedure that helps the healing process by freeing the sciatic nerve from the stress any inflammation can create. As that pressure is relieved, pain levels drop.

Doctors might still rely on drugs and invasive surgical procedures to manage this pain, but many patients prefer natural options that assist the body in healing itself. That's why many of those sciatica sufferers choose the natural relief that only chiropractors can provide.

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